Saturday, December 5, 2009

. . . I stowed those under your bunk sir. And an assortment of fine cloths lace some silver statues and bottled brandies. A very nice little haul. Not weighty but all of the best quality. " He gave a sideways glance at Kennit's stump..

Said the Master. -- Not tomorrow anyway. "I'm talking too much -- he thought. -- It is age. . . " The man moved his shoulder with caution at first then with more confidence. All bones appeared to be in place. -- Master. . . -- the man whispered following with his eyes the stooping figure that disappeared at the doorway. On the next day.
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"I regret I can answer you only vaguely. I have vowed by the Tree of Life to make no effort to prejudice your mind by contamination with my own particular faith. " The man's attitude was coming through fairly clearly however! "Because of the Covenant?" "Precisely. I will not claim to agree with the Covenant but I am bound by it. The majority feel that your continuing objectivity is crucial. I will only say that the guiding principles of Church Second Comm are essentially humanist and that we maintain only symbolic connection to the atheistic Communists of Earth. We are theist Communists. " "Ah yes " Brother Paul said disconcerted. Godfearing Communists-and the Reverend was obviously sincere. Yet this was no more anomalous in theory than God-fearing Capitalists. "I had the impression that Planet Tarot was an English-language.
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